Friday, March 22, 2013

Longing for SPA

I love pampering myself with any kind of treatments.. massage, facial etc.. well I'm a woman after all :P
The last time i had nice spa was with Linda at Sembunyi Spa, Cyberjaya just before my wedding.
It was awesome although bit pricey, but worth the money, feels like been treated like a princess.

This time around, Ive purchased mydeal offer for only rm39 worth Full body massage, facial lifting, sauna, foot spa. Wallah! i think it's a great deal that one cant resist..

Looking forward for it weehu !

p/s : when was the last time you pampered yourself?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Unexpected Gift from HIM

Semalam masa kat office toilet, tiba2 terfikir if i were to buy a perfume, what would it be ? Terdetik dalam hati that it'd be nice if the smell is like orangie fresh something like that... and tiba2 balik rumah, he surprised me with this !!!! check out the secret ingredient :

"...evokes a fresh and sparkling burst of lemon, green tea, jasmine and peony dotted with cardamon which spices up a rich background with white cedar"

Yea, it smells tangerine fresh with spices.. which reminds me one of Body Shop's fragrance, Aztique i guess ;)

wallah probably it's a kebetulan but i believe that He, Allah the God of universe is listening.. although it's just sedetik dalam hati but if He wants it to happen, then it will happen and it's of course making me happy! Thank you Allah ;)

Food Obsession, Once in a While ....

Nothing can beat the Kaya Butter Toast + Soft Boiled Egg + Hot White Coffee at Old Town White Coffe ! Marvellous !! Especially during rainy days ;) There's one time i brought Wajiy to Metropoint Kajang (husband was at work) just to have the Kaya Butter Toast + Soft Boiled Egg + Hot White Coffee at Old Town White Coffee there but guess what ??? The "brown" bread has finished !! Well, went back home with a broken heart.. sob sob.. I guess it's the brown bread that matters.. i'm not a fan of Kaya but this one is totally different, maybe it's the combination of brown bread+kaya+butter :D delicious!! and just imagine you dip it in soft boiled egg powdered with salt + pepper.. wallah, and of course the hot white coffee to complete the meal.. Speechless :D

Next in the list is Avocado Juice + chocolate syrup. I first fell in love with it at Wong Solo, Kajang. It's known as Jus Alpukat in Indonesian language, decided to try it, for the very first time tasted the Avocado.. delicious, creamy + unique taste + healthy ;) Oh well, i tried making it at home once but.. failed miserably  :P 

Who wouldn't want Pavlova ?! tell me tell me :D My very first Pavlova i had was at Alexis.. It was some years ago that i bought this Berries Meringue at Alexis Bistro for special twins Linda & Ina on their birthday. It tasted very niiiice. Then i tried several meringues and i must say one of the best i had recently was at TokioKafe, Cyberjaya. Small but fair portion with fair price. Meringue is nice & soft, topping with whipped cream & strawberry. Well the one i had at Delicious was least favorite, definitely cause its meringue was totally hard.

Anyway, just tried Serai's pavlova recently on our anniversary, not bad i should say.. Alexis is my number 1 best still, followed by Tokio Kafe's hihii

Last but not least, i am a coffee lover aka hantu kopi :D especially latte.. give me any kind of latte, would taste the same to me.. i tried finding cheaper solution for my latte since average price at outside cafe for a glass/cup of lattee is around rm7.9 plus i cant make my own Latte :( , well i found this brand - D'blendz.. not bad! well, Latte is still taste like Latte anyway, make me happy though!

Besides Lattecino, they have Cappucino, Mocchacino & Chococino too. Of course i like it more ;) Love the Lattecino &  Cappucino. Mocchacino depends on my mood, usually will add more milk inside (but my bestie, Afzan loves it).

I stopped taking this for a while now actually since found E471 in its ingredient.. however, checked at JAKIM's website, these products are listed as HALAL JAKIM.. perhaps they're using E471 from vegetable  oil source. Wallahualam..

Well, what's your favorite food/drink?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Breakfast at Desk - Leftover from Dinner

Semalam teringin nak makan spaghetthi ala2 aglio olio (camna ntah eja)... pernah try before this tapi cam x jadi ja.. this time ok la boleh la nak makan :p ada perisa tambahan which is shitake mushroom & italian herbs!! en suami pun kena paksa dinner spaghetti walaupun dia x suka :P

aglio olio my styleee :

Shitake mushroom
Ayam di hiris halus2
Udang buang kulit hiris halus2
zukini potong dadu
olive oil
chili flake
italian herbs
salt & pepper
lemon juice

Sebenarnya ini resepi campak2, shitake mushroom & italian herbs tu kasi bau wangi sikit. selalu tgk rancangan memasak omputih kan letak rosemary la oregano la basil la.. so haritu saja2 beli italian herbs, campuran oregano, rosemary & parsli, harga not bad la less than rm5..  Olive oil tu konon2 sihat sikit, boleh ja nak letak minyak biasa or butter or margerin.

Mula2 panaskan minyak then masukkan chili flake (bleh ja ganti dengan cili padi) then letak garlic, jgn lama sgt takut hangit.. then masukkan binatang2 dulu (ayam & udang or anything u like), tak lama lps tu mushroom & last zukini (or any other sayuran)... selalu saya letak garam dulu, ada la dlm 2 sudu teh.. pastu baru ltk spaghetti.. kalau rasa tak cukup perasa, boleh letak lg salt & pepper masa goreng spaghetti or masa hidang hehe..

finally perah la sikit lemon juice sesedap rasa.. tp jgn byk sgt takut mashemm.  tadaaa dah siap :D selamat mencuba!

Anak oh Anak

Bagaimana anak itu membesar adalah hasil didikan ibu bapanya juga (Aduh skema nya)

Cuba tengok anak2 GAZA, rasa kagum sangat sebab since kecil lagi diorang diasuh dgn tauhid & keberanian.. cer tanya anak2 Malaysia, sanggup ke tak diorg berjuang & syahid mcm anak2 GAZA tu? jangankan diorg, saye pun belum tentu berani :( betapa lemahnya iman..

Kita kat sini terlalu mewah, leka dgn hal2 dunia.. mmg saya tak nafikan masa muda remaja dulu, mmg tak fikir sangat bab2 ni, nampak nk seronok ja tp bila dah umur2 camni...rasa umur makin pendek, takot x sempat buat apa2..

Maka oleh itu, saya berazam utk mendidik anak2 menjadi soleh & solehah .. didikan tu bermula di rumah kan...
Relationship dgn anak2 kena maintain good, jangan biar diorg rasa left out, dapatkan diorg punya opinion juga in every decision.
Buat kerja berjemaah, makan berjemaah, solat berjemaah, buat kerja rumah berjemaah hehe
Sentiasa support & tolong diorg dgn kerja rumah.. hmm inilah saat yg ditunggu2, another 4 5 years lg nak tunggu wajiy balik rmh dgn homework hehe

Friday, October 05, 2012

23... 25... and counting :D

The day i decided to get married.... (fuhh berpeluh2 buat karangan omputih ni, siap seratus juta kali padam tulis padam tulis, dengan harapan reader feeling2 sikit lah ye :P)

I wasn't ready but i married him because of Him, he has nothing to offer but it's the matter of hereafter...
"Abang tak mampu bagi kemewahan dunia, tapi kemewahan akhirat, insyallah" and I said; that's what I really want in this life...

It's really beautiful and magical of His arrangement in uniting us..
He came from same village as I do (it's just like 500m distance from our parents' house), we went to same primary school (he's a year elder), but we were never friends before, he has his own circle of friends and so did I.. Believe it or not, i don't have any memories about him but as what he told me, he had a crush on me when we were young, I never showed interest to him while some of my girl friends did (well maybe because at that time I was busy looking at other guys hahahah) and turned out it was a challenge to him to get to know me better. We were born on same month, month of July, so we both Cancerian :D

Somewhere around January 2011, we were being connected through a friend, and not long after that fate led us to marriage and now we're happy a husband-wife with one kid, A&W Jr
It was a co-incident, really as he offered hands to help me out in moving things from old house at Bangsar to Seri Kembangan.  Well I could see his effort in trying to get to know me better but I acted "cold" as well I must say I don't really have interest in him.. He's not my type of guy (jangan marah abang) and some more I respected him as a brother. Then one day he asked me and my friend to accompany him & his mom to Lumut (his sister's house). My friend refused and I agreed but I couldn't tell you why I did that! It's like, I was just following the flow..

It was a quick "introduction" session, he brought me for a weekend trip to his sister's house at Lumut altogether with his mom and out of sudden his mom said "ni kira jadi lah no?".. Believe it or not, all I could do was just smiling (tersipu2 malu), didn't see it coming! Elder people said "tersipu2 malu tanda setuju", so it was a YES to his mom & family :D
I didnt know it was that that quick, we had a heart-to heart conversation that night and in just a second we found that chemistry.

Initially, he requested me to accompany him & his mom to Lumut, with no intention for an introduction session with his family or something. I told my sister about this and she said "anggap macam jumpa jiran2 kampung la". And at that time I respected him a brother, not more than that.
A week after that, I went back to hometown during chinese new year, his mom came to my house for a merisik session but then family decided to make it as Engagement Ceremony and the date were set => a month gap to tie the knot.. gulp

The feeling was so pure, strong and beautiful because you know that you accepted him because of Him. After we get confirmation and blessing from parents on both sides then quickly we became lovebirds. The process of getting married went smoothly although we had about a month for the preparation. Luckily both family is not fussy at all, the ceremony was small & simple and my dad, it didnt take long for him to say YES as he had so much respect for my husband's family. And my dad was so relieved that I'm married to people within same region (senang balik kampung). See how Allah planned this for us, came from same village but met at somewhere else far.

So there it is.. when i was 21, i thought i was gonna get married in 23, it didn't happened, then i thought 25, it didn't happen either so i just wait, wait and wait.. thought i was going to be ANDARTU, just prepared myself to become SINGLE & HAPPY but God knows best that 28 is the perfect age ;) 
Right time, right guy.... roll to me :D

Sunday, January 03, 2010


The very first time I started blogging was just because of music that i had to register which is later, i guess migrated to, nah i dont remember really :P
Nothing to write, really at the very beginning. I was single back then, I once had a completely disaster & horrible relationship and moved on finally.
Alhamdulillah not later after that, Allah granted me a person that i can count on and hopefully until Jannah, insyallah...